Friday, May 10, 2013

The Days Get Busier

The days get busier.  I’m now spending at least two class periods a day observing in classrooms so we can know best how to support the teachers.  The classes are warm as they do not have air condition just open windows on both sides and fans.  Most of the classes have a breeze that comes through which makes it nice. We introduced the Pacific Area Literacy program to the teachers at an inservice on Wed.  Their first challenge is to give the students at least two opportunities during each class to have every student express themselves in English through talking and writing.  For some it will be easy, and others will find it difficult.
Every day is a new adventure and we are learning more each day how to better magnify our calling. The Lord is truly blessing us with thoughts and ideas every day which I am grateful for.  Yes, there are challenges.  When we need to teach a class and what technology we have doesn’t work.  But then I think of the teachers who teach every day all day long with only a whiteboard and a marker.  They spend a lot of time writing notes on the board and the students spend a lot of time copying them. It seems so tedious to me, when we are so used to having a projector and internet with a smart board in every classroom.

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