Monday, September 2, 2013

Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day Trek
Grand March
The Tarawa East Stake celebrated by having a pioneer trek on our one and only road.  The youth and many others met at the Bikenibeu chapel about five miles from here.  They were put with 20-30 in each group to walk to Moroni High School with stops along the way.  At each stop the participants had to say an article of faith and then they were given a challenge, such as someone has been hurt and will need to be carried.  We left here around 7:30 and walked a mile or so to meet the first group and then turned around and walked back to the school with them.  It was great fun.  When we arrived at the school the students from Moroni High School led by the senior missionaries performed a grand march.  Then the students performed a square dance and the Virginia reel.  Breakfast consisting of crackers and corn beef hash was served. Everyone seemed to enjoy the activity remembering the pioneers and their sacrifices for us.

Breakfast: Crackers with corn beef hash

Square Dancing                              

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